I am going to show you something real about the Zodiac Killer codes that you have never seen. No TV show, pod cast, or main stream media have ever shown this to you. I discovered this myself. I found quite a few things, but I am only going to show you one. The most important thing I found and it will show you that I am for real. The world needs to know this. It could crack the whole mystery wide open, but if no one sees it, then nothing will ever happen.
This is a section of map sent by the Zodiac of the San Francisco bay area.

This map was mailed to the San Francisco Chronicle along with several other codes created by the Zodiac. For half a century this map and how to work it remained a mystery, until now. This is just one piece to a puzzle. Here is another piece to this puzzle that was drawn and mailed to the local newspapers by the Zodiac.

For years, everyone thought this was just a drawing meant to frighten people. It was a threat to blow up a school bus, though I think that was just to get the attention of people and make them aware that this drawing was important, because it is not a bomb drawing at all, but a key to the map. Zodiac threatened a school and to plant bombs beside of the road to blow up a bus. We know this never happened, but what if the school and the section of highway he claimed to have planted the bomb have some kind of other importance? We will never know unless what I am about to show you is seen and taken seriously. Don't believe me, believe your own eyes. For the practical reasons, I am going to skip proof of scale, but this is something you can test for yourself as there are scale markers on both documents.
Look at these two things side by side. Does anything jump out at you? Look at the timer and the way the highway is drawn on the bomb schematic then look at the compass on the map and the section og highway running through San Francisco.

This is called an overlay mask. Look it up online right now. It is a real thing that is been used quite a bit in history as well in map making and the military. Here is what these two documents look like when overlaid into each other.

I want to point out a few things here. First it marks two locations with A and B.

Remember, this was a threat against a school, but what school? Marker B marks a school exactly. You can look it up for yourself on google earth. you can try this for yourself and get exactly the same results. What if this school is where he worked, went to, or lived by? what if it was really a clue to who he was?
Then, there is the mysterious section of highway that was alleged to have bombs planted on it. . This overlay tells you where it is.

Again, we know that no bomb ever blew up a bus, but what if it just didn't go off as planned? Or, what if this section of highway is where he worked or frequented? What if he really buried bodies here. This one break through sparks a million more questions, but we will never know the answers if it is not seen and taken seriously. For 50 years people have wanted something new, a real break through in the Zodiac case. I have just shown it to you, this one clue led me to making many more discoveries. they led me to figuring out how the famous unsolved 340 code could really be a map grid overlay marking locations. I found an unsolved murder from 1969 that was marked on the map using that method with his famous unsolved cipher. You have to decide that for yourself, but if nothing else, do not ignore what I have just shown you. Only you can make this happen. To see every thing I have found, the clues, the what's, who's, when's, where's and how's, I have written a book that was over a thousand pages long. Due to restrictions I was forced to cut that in half. If you are interested in learning more you can view my eBook on Amazon here, but no matter what you do, share this information with anyone you know. Only you can make this happen. Copy and paste the link below. R.S. Clemons
Here is link to my site with a mssive amount of information
here is a link to a free pdf
Zodiac killer is still the most mysterious killer in history. Many movies have been made about him. To study more about serial killers visit the website: